Saturday, October 16, 2010

To Clone or Not to Clone

  Through science many people have attempted the cloning process and to the outside world it seemed like a scene from a science fiction movie.  With every science experiment there are positives and negatives. The human body is a complex instrument made by a being far stronger than you or me. Many questions and concerns arise when cloning is brought to the light. The safety and outcome are questioned but yet these questions are left unanswered. Although there are pros when it comes to cloning the complications still weighs heavy on the idea. Cloning is the most advanced form of technology medically. Should it be a form of medicine for America? Will it help or destroy us?
    Every year thousands of Americans suffer from diseases and medical complications that are almost impossible to cure.  People often look for an alternative to the harsh side effects of chemotherapy.  There happens to be one alternative to help the ill people of America, cloning. According to cloning is said to be able to help heart disease by replacing damaged heart cells with new one. The highest rate of death in America is said to be caused by some form of heart disease. Other advantages that come from cloning is the path to the  cure  of leukemia.  Also people who suffer from severe burns can have the skin replaced by new skin provided by the clones.  Human cloning technology suggests that it can reverse the aging process. The revolution of science has made science fiction a reality. In America plastic surgery has become a popular form of body reconstruction.   Plastic surgeries such as breast augmentation, that deals with placing foreign objects into the human has been proven to cause immune diseases and other health complications. With cloning the silicone and other foreign objects can be replaced with live human fat and other tissues that match the patients body. 

     Though cloning can come off as a shock it does come with strings attached. Cloning as many disadvantages such as human extinction. Also human cloning can lead to a decline in genetic diversity. Imagine a world where everyone looked the same, well that could be a possible result of human cloning. Cloning is said to be offensive to several religions and that could possibly be a problem when trying to clone worldwide.

    I believe that cloning could both help and destroy our country. I say that because even though cloning could help some would medical complications, it could also lead  to people using cloning for unnecessary cosmetic procedures. Humans are complex instrument of life and should be cherished as that. Humans should not be mass produced by a factory and fed to the people. In my eyes I see cloning as humans trying to obtain the power of God. Cloning could be another tool that leads to the end of the world. I believe that anything unnatural isn’t worth the risk. Cloning will be like the invention of the nuclear bomb, it helps but it can lead to mass destruction and possibly the end of all mankind. 
   To conclude, cloning has it pros and cons but no one really knows the result of it. In life many people dream to live forever or bring someone from the dead . Cloning is a risk but at the same time a benefit to mankind.