Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Oprah and Her Life

Oprah Winfrey as a child was known a bit of a delinquent. She lived with her mother all the way up to her early teens and she was a downward spiral to failure. After Oprah's mother getting tired of her behavior Oprah was sent to live with her father. Her father taught how how to respect herself and become the women she is today. Oprah became a billionaire just because of the decision for her mother to send her to her fathers for proper rearing.  Oprah is now a famous African-American women and an icon to women around the world. Oprah also was a magnificent actor in the movie" The Color Purple". I personally loved that movie and Oprah was the best in that movie.

Special Little Me

   My family is spread out, but at least now I know they’re there. I come from a very diverse background and I’m proud to be able to say that.  Having a mixed background gives me the chance to experience the diversity between different cultures. I feel like I don’t have to confine myself to one race of people, because I feel comfortable around anyone, because I know somewhere down the line we are related. When people don’t see that we’re all the same it just shows complete ignorance.
     In my family there are many different surnames and I have found the origin for them all.  Surnames became necessary when government personal taxation was introduced in England. One of the surnames in my family is Thomas (which is my last name) Thomas is Hebrew for twin. Thomas was a popular surname to Christians in England, because Christian people wanted their children to be named after the Christian disciple, St.Thomas. Throughout my father’s side of the family you will find that surname it goes back many generation. My families names are Michael Thomas (Dad), Raymond Thomas Jr.(Grand-Father), Raymond Thomas Sr. (Great-Grandfather), and Frances Thomas(Grandmother),and Remora Jewel (Great-Grandmother), That concludes my fathers side of the family as listed on my family tree. My great-grandmother Remora Jewel was a full blood Cherokee Indian and she only went by the name Jewel, which means, “Joy”. My Grandmothers maiden name was Fannie Mae and she came to California from Kansas. My grandmother has four children but my father is the only child of my grandfather Raymond Thomas.
Another surname in my Family is Earle, which is my great-grandparent’s surname on my mother’s side.  The surname Earle was known for being a rank of nobility in Britain.          
 My great-grandmother’s maiden name was Yavone Galipez but that changed when she married my grandfather of course. My great-grandmother on my mother’s side was born in Honduras as a laborer, after marrying my grandfather she moved to the U.S. and immediately separated from her husband after becoming pregnant with her first child, Anthony Carson. She gave my grandfather that surname because that was the surname of her second husband, even though he had no relation to my grandfather. Yavone always kept my great-grandfathers name a secret, and because of that he was not shown on my family tree.  My grandfather has three children, Antonia Carson, Daniel Carson, and Kandika Carson. Kandika Carson is my mother and was born in California. Her mothers name is Wilhelmina Barnes, and that’s obviously my grandmother. My great-grandparents on her side are JuanitaBarnes and William Barnes, My grandfather stems from London and my grandmother stems from Spain.

We are Diverse

Diversity is having a variety in certain situations. Diversity is needed in a child's life because it opens them up to different forms of life. when you live a life that is constantly one sided it can become almost monotonous and always confrontational. When you are diveresed it helps you to see things from different views rather than always seeing things your way.  Diversity is being the way of life when living in America because this is one of the most diverse countries on Earth.

Can You Just Cooperate!!!!

Cooperation is very important in everyday life. From day to day we live around millions of people and without cooperation our world would be in chaos. When need cooperation when driving, walking, working. You can't really go through everyday life without  cooperation because it is inevitable to work with people. No one gets a free ride in life and thats why cooperation is key in life. Sometimes in order to respectful you must cooperate with your situation in order to find a reasonable solution.
I recently created a group that consist of 10 girls and getting girls to cooperate is almost a nightmare. We have based our group around cooperation because it would be something that can be taken into adult hood.

Radio to Ipod.

Over the years technology has quickly advanced  into a multi-billion dollar industry. With the music industry technology has really helped to create a beneficial income for both the artist and the production company.  Music first went technical with the radio, being on the radio was a dream for every aspiring artist. The radio was seen as the best piece of technology in the late 1900's and continued to be until the emergence of the walk man.
 The walk man was the first portable on demand musical appliance. The walk man was used during exercise or when just talking an evening walk, once again another great musical tool that help spread mew music from person to person.
 With the invention of the CD came the CD player, which of course played cds and pretty much replaced the walkman. This created an explosive of this new form of music that was almost a revolutionary ideal.
After the Cd player the Ipod was soon released and the world has never been the same since. The Ipod has killed the radio, cd player, walkman, and cassette player. The ipod being a handheld music machine made by Apple. Ipods can hold up to 65,000 songs and blows all other musical players right  out the water.

Teach Teachers

 Teachers have a difficult task of forming the people of the future. Teaching people something new is difficult  , because people differ in learning methods, thus causing teaching to often find alternate ways of teaching to help every student.
 A method that would be beneficial for teachers would be the hands on method of teaching. Hands on teaching helps students who are visual learners and have a more mechanical way of learning. Also to make sure students don't fall behind teachers should create a proper syllabus for the students. From experience, I have notice that teachers who are more hands tend to teach me more than teachers who don't. Differing from student to student can be difficult and thats when the technique of trial and error comes into play.
 Trial and error helps teachers to see their flaws when teaching and fixed them before students begin to fall behind. For example, a class thats difficult for me would be AP History because I'm a very hands on learner and the class comes off as a more self-teach class which is hard when the material is difficult to grasp. Teachers just need to try new things and listen to their students.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Conveniences change people lives because people are sometimes exposed to positive or negative opportunities in life. When people have a positive opportunities in they are given a chance to become more advance than the people of the opposite.
 The negative side of advantages in not having them which can make life ten times harder than it would normally be. Looking into the window it can be shaded by negative influences that also form a persons life and can change it for either the worse or the better,


The way a person can gain fame and fortune is to work really hard at anything they do. When you work hard you can always achieve your highest dreams. Another way to gain a lot of fame to to work on networking which can be helpful in all aspects of life besides fame. Networking can help you to rip through the industry and become that ultra successful person that you hope to become.