Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Wish I Could Sleep

  Since I was very young I've always had a fear of the dark. My fear of the dark has followed me all my life and I'm not sure how to get over it. I'm afraid of the dark because of my fear of evil spirits attacking me in the night. I wake up every-night at 11:44 pm and I feel like the time has some kind of significance in my life. Whenever I wake up at that time I always feel anxious and afraid. I use my television as a way to escape my fear by watching children programs while and before going to sleep. This fear runs deep inside me and I don't think I'll ever get rid of it. Sometimes I sit by myself and wonder how life would be when i live by myself and that just makes another branch that this fear. A fear of being alone, so this fear of the dark has made me fear a lot of things and has formed as the person I am today.