Wednesday, October 27, 2010


 Littering is the most active environmental problem because it pollutes the Earth. When people litter it floats around the earth for years unless someone else is burden by cleaning it up. Littering a terrible thing to do because it harms the Earth in a way that can not be seen to the naked eye.
 Litter is like poison to the earth because it harms the animals and can kill of the agricultural system. California has an active law against  littering ,which could result in a $250 fine.

Attention:Stop Randomly Kissing!

     Public health concern that I feel is serious is the Herpes virus. The reason I feel the herpes virus is serious is because the virus can be spread both orally and sexually. This virus spreads fast amongst young adults and is definitely on a rampage today. The herpes virus unfortunately does not have a cure .
   The herpes virus is a serious health concern because you never know who has it. Herpes can lie dormant for a year without the host realizing they have it. During that time it can be passed to over five-hundred people.


    Math is a required subject because it is important when trying to count money. Math is used in many different profession, which makes it an ultra sensitive subject that needs to be addressed. Without the fundamental knowledge of math it can be almost impossible to further yourself financially in America at the least. I think basic arithmetic  is all you need if you're not going into a profession that is based around math. Like me for example I love English but dislike math and I think that the profession i will go into has nothing to do with mathematics so I don't give it much thought.  Math is  important but not important to me.

Internet Maniac!!!!

 The purpose of the Internet is to allow people to rapidly obtain information. With obtaining information you allowed the strength to multiply your knowledge while becoming a more technological savvy person. Through many years of technological advance we have seen the use of the Internet become a typical source of broad information.
 Before the Internet , information  was likely obtained through text or libraries.  By taking advantage of a source such as the Internet people are allowed to race through the world of information without ever leaving their home.  The Internet was a great invention , by far, and it has allowed the world to advance in a way that would be seen as a miracle to previous centuries.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Ideal Vacation, HAHAHAHA As If!

My ideal vacation will be a trip to Kansas, Mo during the winter. The reason I say this is because I really enjoy visiting my grandmother during that time. Vacations give you a chance to relax in a comfortable place that would bring you peace of mind.
  This vacation would be Ideal because of my love for the fresh know and all the open land. I love waking up in the morning and going going on the deck and watching the deer pranced upon the snow. The snow brings me comfort, because it is a gift from the earth. Snow is the most beautiful natural occurrence that could ever exist. Thats why Kansas,Mo would be the Ideal Vacation.

Dont Call It Fat!

Obesity has struck America like a virus and the source varies from person to person. When looking at obesity you always know that these people weren't born like this . Some reason for people becoming overweight can be both social and personal.
 Obesity  sprouts from the social advertisement of attractive treats. When people become addicted to these treats , weight gain soon begins to root from it. When an obviously unhealthy pleasure is constantly put in your face the pressure can become unbearable.
 The personal side of obesity is when people are ridiculed for their weight r have gone through a drastic change in life. Sometimes, when people go through a drastic change in life they give up and just resort to eating.  The same thing occurs with with  ridicule, due to the fact that they can not lose weight they just give up on themselves and fall into to a state of depression.

No Too Different!

 First day of school at City Honors and I was very nervous of the day ahead. Will people like me? That question popped in my mind as began to dress for school. Being a freshman was nothing easy and the rumors I heard didn't make me excited to cross the iron gate of City Honors High School. I felt lost and empty inside.
 Towards the end of middle school I began to grasp on the fact that I was "emo". I isolated myself from large groups and loved anything dark and scary. I thought I was a rocker.  All i wanted to do was be friends with the fellow rockers, so I cold validate myself as such. I took this style with me into to high school and I quickly noticed  I was the outcast.
  A week into school , I started to make friends but these friends we the complete opposite of the person I was. These friends we colorful and bubbly people who loved Disney and Barbies and things of that nature. The main reason I found friendship in these people was because of their love for musicals. They knew every word , very similar to myself. From that experience I realized that opposites attract when the attraction is a source of similarities.

Hey! You Should Live OutDoors!

 Outdoors is the most ideal way of living ,especially if you are a writer. Living outdoors brings you a sense of peace and tranquility. Compared to the city , the outdoor is a place where you could walk around with no fear ,and also get a closer understanding with yourself and your surroundings. To sit next to a tree and write a poem is a gift within itself.
  When I sit alone in the wilderness and brush hands across the leaves , I feel a sense of accomplishment.  I don't need much in life but self-confidence and thats definitely keeps me going. The city is place for people who are constantly moving and in action which is the complete opposite  the outdoors. The outdoors is similar to a sea, its free and filled with many different adventures and  finds. I would definitely recommend you you trying to live in the outdoors, I promise you won't regret it.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rough Diamonds

   The sound of my heart began to become more elusive and I began to feel weak. My mouth had suddenly fell dry and I could no longer run, my energy had been stolen from me. I looked up at the pitch-black sky with no idea of who I had become. As I took my last breath a tear rolled down my face, I turned my head to a puddle of water and could no longer recognize my reflection. This woman I saw was beaten not physically but emotionally, it felt as if I was looking into the eyes of a lost soul. I murmured my last words and had lost everything I thought I had gained.  Starting from the bottom and working my way up just to end up at the bottom again, go figure.

    Ten years, forty-seven days, and six hours earlier I had a heart, I had a family and knew how to love but when exactly did I lose it all. Why don’t we go back ten years so you can meet Elizabeth Huffman.
       Growing up as a country girl in Nebraska I always wanted to become a supermodel, to break the mold and live life like the women did on TV.  I would look in those magazines all the time and wish to be on the cover and I just knew I had the look. I lived in a small town and had a small family.  My family never approved of me becoming a model; they called it the career of failure. The reason my family called it this was because once the industry was done with you just became another has been. I always was a rebellious soul never to follow traditions, so I decided I needed to be on my own, I moved to California in search of fame and I knew there was no way I was going to fail in the land of promises. As soon as I got there I received my first gig. I found an ad in the local newspaper and it was my dreams come true.

     I walked into the makeshift studio and was greeted by a tall skinny man with a long gray mustache and a partially bold head. “ Hello darling, ain’t you just as gorgeous as could be.,” said the man. “ I’m Skip and this is Andrew,” he said pulling the young boy towards me. My heart was beating a million beats a minute and I could barely think straight. “Have you ever done this before, because you sure do look mighty nervous.” Said Skip. “No, Sir.” I said, “ This is my first time ever modeling but its always been a dream of mine. “  I looked around the room and I noticed there was nothing but a camera, an old couch and a red backdrop in the room. My mind began to wonder and I suddenly realized this was not a professional gig. “Where are the clothes and the make-up artist?” I said. Skip looked at me and he had a very mischievous smile on his face, “Darling, in this industry you have to work for those kind of luxuries, those things definitely don’t come cheap.” Said Skip.


    A sudden fear swept over me and that was the day I found out that Los Angeles was not as sunny as it seemed to be. I knew something wasn’t right and I told Skip I had changed my mind but he had other plans for me. All I can remember was he punched me a couple of times before I passed out. I woke up the next day in a torn shirt and dirty jeans on a bus stop. My head was pounding and I could barely make out the street signs. I tried to get up but I fell back down to the ground, I soon figured out that my foot was broken. I let out a loud scream for help but no one was there, it was just me, my pain, and I.  Was this really what I traveled this far for to end up at a dead end with no sense of direction?  That was the day that changed my life.
     The millennium had just began it was January 1,2000 and I was on my last leg. I lived my life on the edge doing every drug imaginable. Living in the slums Los Angeles my life was no fairytale everything was wrong from the grass to the bed. I had no steady job and I was living day by day just to get another fix. I walked the streets at night selling my body for anything I could get my hands on. I was once Elizabeth Huffman but on the streets I was known as Destiny.  I lost my identity, falling into the shadows of society and the light was far out of reach.  I soon befriended a woman named Erica and she was also a streetwalker, she taught me the streets and I saw her as my savior.
     Erica was an experienced prostitute; she had been on the streets for the twelve years. As a child her grandmother who had taken her in after her mother was murdered beat Erica everyday.  She was scarred both physically and mentally. There was no escape every time she would try to run away she would just end back in the dungeon she was forced to call “home”.  The homemade whip her grandmother kept in her closet had scarred her back. No matter what Erica would do she would always be told it was wrong.
One night Erica left the abuse in seek of closure and only found comfort from the “Johns” who told her she was beautiful after she sold her body to them. .  Even though Erica was not born a woman, she still could fool any man. She walked, talked, and even looked just like a woman. Erica is a tall slender woman with very defined features, a short pixy cut and she’s not afraid of the cosmetics (Blue eye shadow is her favorite.). They only thing she had to look forward to at the end of the night were blistered feet and a few bucks to give her pimp. 

   When I first hit the streets I didn’t get many sells because a man named Manny owned the block. He had a saying the played in all the prostitute’s mind like a song “ My block, my hoes, my cash.”  The life was nothing nice but I knew I had to eat.  I didn’t understand how I was selling my body just to give the money to someone else, so I had to sneak around Manny just to get enough money for a fix that night. I currently was living with Erica; she had become my lover and provider. I would laugh every time she would tell me about her long day at work; I always thought, “Yea, I bet.”

A routine began to form with Erica and I, we counted our daily earnings, did our drugs, and went to sleep. Eating was the least of our priorities at that time.
     I slept through the day and worked through the night. I had let my dream of becoming a model slip out of my hands in one night. I never thought I would see the day when I was invisible to the world. Everything was moving fast in the wrong direction, and I definitely wasn’t ready for it.
     As I walked the streets I would often thought back on my past life, a life where I was pure. In Nebraska I was a pageant queen and I was one of the most popular girls in high school. I didn’t always want to be this big supermodel but I was always told that I could be.  Since I was little I loved the spotlight and I never backed away from a debate. My parents had a dream of me going to Nebraska State University and becoming an accountant but I definitely had other plans. Leaving life to please others was no fairytale. I hated the way people looked at me in Nebraska and I wanted to be somewhere where beauty was everything. I guess you can say I got my wish but in a negative connotation.
 How could look my parents in the face and tell them who I am today. I am officially a no body and I feel as if can never regain the respect of my family or friends.
       No one wants face to true, but no one wants to live a lie. This was the predicament that I could not get out of. 
     While wanting on another “John” I would often listen to the past dreams the other streets walkers had. Doctors, lawyers, chefs, and models all standing next to me, women who were lost in the system and who were never given the support needed to achieve their dreams. Car after car came down the block and girl after girl was taken advantage of.
   One night I was walking home and I could someone lurking behind me. Every time I looked back there was no one there but I just knew there was someone following me.  I took a couple of steps before I heard the sound a large man’s voice in my ear. This voice was like no other it was powerful and it said to me, “ Your dreams are only as big as you make them.” I turned around and everything turned white and I found myself in a different location.
     I was in a foggy room and I couldn’t see passed my hands, which I was using to guide me through. After hours had passed it seem as if I was walking in a circle. I decided to take a sit and at that moment the fog began to clear. In front of me stood a mirror and I began to walk toward it with great suspicion. As I approached the mirror a lump formed in my throat and my hands became extremely moist. Before I looked into the mirror I took a breath and wiped my hands across my shirt. I didn’t know what to expect but it knew in my heart it was nothing pretty.
     My eyes quickly darted to the mirror but instead of my reflection it was a small child sitting on the ground with a Barbie. At first glance I didn’t recognize who the child was but after looking closely I realized the young girl was me. The girl was someone I used to be and in the blink of an eye the girl turned to dust.  I could barely believe my eyes , I wanted to cry. As I started to pull myself together, the image in the mirror began to morph into a teenage girl. Her skin was so smooth, and her eyes were sparkling like a star. I could read this girl like a book, she was pure, responsible, and definitely a dreamer. Once again this girl was me, or who I used to be. She looked directly in my eyes and began to speak,“ What happen to you , where did you go wrong ?”  My body began to shake uncontrollably and I was at lost for words. She slightly turned her head and looked at me with complete revulsion. I couldn’t muster up the courage to respond to her so I just stood there. “Answer me!” she said in a menacing voice.  I jumped with fear and tried to make words come out my empty mouth. All I could say is, “I’m sorry.” The teenage me shook her head and walked away.      

     Disappointment rushed over me like a sickness, and I turned away from the mirror. I couldn’t tolerate to see what was coming next.  I started to walk away and a large hand grabbed my shoulder and swung me around.
I ended up back at the mirror and there stood a woman. The woman I saw was filthy, she was emaciated and her eyes were filled with regret. Every bit of her was wrong, her body was hunched over as if she had a ten-pound weight on her shoulders. Make-up was smeared across her face and she was pale the midnight moon. The woman in the mirror was I and I knew change was definitely needed. I could barely recognize myself and I just wanted it to go away.
        I ran as fast as I could but I was not moving.  It was like my body was moving but my mind was stuck in time.  The entire time I was wishing I could just leave because the truth hurts. My wish soon came true but it wasn’t a happy one. I opened my eyes I was laying in an alley between a trashcan and a building. I was very unsure of how I got there but I knew I didn’t want to stay there long. When I finally gained enough strength to stand up and knew what I had to do. That day was the day of change in my life and I knew it was time to let go of the past and embrace the future.
     I walked into Erica’s shallow apartment and packed my stuff and wrote her a note. I told her I needed to find myself and I needed to become someone new. Instead of signing the letter with Destiny, I wrote in cursive Elizabeth Huffman. I took one lat look at my past and left for the bus station. I bought a ticket for San Francisco and began my new life never look back. I cut my hair and cut my ties with my prior life.

To Clone or Not to Clone

  Through science many people have attempted the cloning process and to the outside world it seemed like a scene from a science fiction movie.  With every science experiment there are positives and negatives. The human body is a complex instrument made by a being far stronger than you or me. Many questions and concerns arise when cloning is brought to the light. The safety and outcome are questioned but yet these questions are left unanswered. Although there are pros when it comes to cloning the complications still weighs heavy on the idea. Cloning is the most advanced form of technology medically. Should it be a form of medicine for America? Will it help or destroy us?
    Every year thousands of Americans suffer from diseases and medical complications that are almost impossible to cure.  People often look for an alternative to the harsh side effects of chemotherapy.  There happens to be one alternative to help the ill people of America, cloning. According to cloning is said to be able to help heart disease by replacing damaged heart cells with new one. The highest rate of death in America is said to be caused by some form of heart disease. Other advantages that come from cloning is the path to the  cure  of leukemia.  Also people who suffer from severe burns can have the skin replaced by new skin provided by the clones.  Human cloning technology suggests that it can reverse the aging process. The revolution of science has made science fiction a reality. In America plastic surgery has become a popular form of body reconstruction.   Plastic surgeries such as breast augmentation, that deals with placing foreign objects into the human has been proven to cause immune diseases and other health complications. With cloning the silicone and other foreign objects can be replaced with live human fat and other tissues that match the patients body. 

     Though cloning can come off as a shock it does come with strings attached. Cloning as many disadvantages such as human extinction. Also human cloning can lead to a decline in genetic diversity. Imagine a world where everyone looked the same, well that could be a possible result of human cloning. Cloning is said to be offensive to several religions and that could possibly be a problem when trying to clone worldwide.

    I believe that cloning could both help and destroy our country. I say that because even though cloning could help some would medical complications, it could also lead  to people using cloning for unnecessary cosmetic procedures. Humans are complex instrument of life and should be cherished as that. Humans should not be mass produced by a factory and fed to the people. In my eyes I see cloning as humans trying to obtain the power of God. Cloning could be another tool that leads to the end of the world. I believe that anything unnatural isn’t worth the risk. Cloning will be like the invention of the nuclear bomb, it helps but it can lead to mass destruction and possibly the end of all mankind. 
   To conclude, cloning has it pros and cons but no one really knows the result of it. In life many people dream to live forever or bring someone from the dead . Cloning is a risk but at the same time a benefit to mankind.  

Teen And Politics: My Report: Meeting Of the Living Presidents 2009

   Throughout the years of being a reporter I have come across the most interesting story, there will be a meeting with the last three presidents and the current and one to be.  As I sat there listening to every word like a night owl I was very intrigued about this “power lunch”. In this meeting the presidents did not hold back on their advice to Mr.Obama and left all their previous rivalries at the door. This meeting consisted of three democrats and two republicans. As read in the Washington Post it states that they wish they could get Muslims, Christians, and Jews together similar to a setting of the meeting of the Presidents.  President-elect Barack Obama held this very rare meeting exclusively in the oval office of the white house
   Although Mr.Obama has had meetings before with Mr. Bush and other colleagues this happens to be one of the most important. Mr.Obama is preparing to be sworn in on the date of January 20, 2009. This date happens a very exciting day for America because this will be the first African-American president in America.  
   I happen to be very excited of this day, me being an African-American and all. Furthermore, Bush and Obama also met privately for roughly 30 minutes. That one-on-one meeting, coming just 13 days before Obama's inauguration, likely focused on grim current events, with war in the Gaza Strip and the economy in a recession. In my opinion I believe the conflict in the Gaza strip has nothing to do with us but that’s just my opinion. 
  It has been an entire generation since former presidents have come together in the white house although they have had meeting at many other locations.  Some people might ask what they talk about in the meeting and to my knowledge and sources MSNBC states that the presidents will talk about previous terms and howthey impacted America.  Being a president is a very difficult occupation and being African-American, Barack Obama has a lot on his plate but I believe with hard work and determination you can succeed anything. With only three former presidents attending it was a very interesting meeting of the presidents. Attending was Bill Clinton, George Bush Sr., and Jimmy Carter and during this meeting they ate from the white house menu and as the press hawked the doors the Presidents were able to go through their meeting with no issues and had a pleasant and swell time doing so.

     I believe the meeting was a good thing it really helped Mr.Obama get a feel of really being president. Some people may think it was a waste but I happen to see otherwise. We all know we must prepare and be organized in order to succeed. I see myself as a person of free spirit and mind, so this was very necessary and it really helped him although I know there are people who wish to hold Mr.Obama back, I am not! Mr.Obama to me is like a stepping-stone to our world of chaos cause we have long way to go.  If we were to do things like the meeting of the presidents more often we probably could resolve our problems more and figure out how to get out of this recession we’re in, due to officials who decide not to comply with the rules and like to do it their way. Furthermore, the world is full of negative energy but if we fall it will be entertainment to other countries. That’s where Barack Obama comes in and saves the world. I like to refer to him as the “super president”.     

    Let’s all give Mr.Obama   a hand because he is the dream and he is the first step to becoming a stable country of peace and harmony. So I thank you
Mr.Obama and every else should.  As an American I am proud of Mr.Obama and our nation for coming to their senses and electing Mr.Obama.  As for the meeting of the presidents it was a great exercise and I applaud Mr.Obama for doing this meeting and bringing unity to the white house and that’s why I say Barack Obama is what we need and how we need to carry our live.

Ways 16 year old's make money

Several ways a 16 year old can make money might be a difficult question to some but not to me. Ways to make money is to get a job at a retail store. Retail stores are always hiring especially around christmas time , another great way to make money is be a door to door salesmen maybe sell candy or something marketable of that nature. Jobs for teens are limited but you can definitely find one. In order to get a well paying job you should definitely be prepared to work, and work hard. As teens we have to show that we are diligent and responsible because that is the only way we can move up on the ladder of success.


   My Favorite season is Summer because I love being warm. Summer is a very peaceful season where everyone can just chill out. Another great thing about Summer is the break from school us high school students receive. I love swimming and of course going shopping for summer clothes.  Not many people  know that summer is one of the most joyous seasons next to winter but it is also paradise for any teenager in CALIFORNIA! Daisey dukes and bikini's on top is definitely a must during a California Summer,

Best About My House

 My bedroom is the best thing about my house because it is filled with everything that is me. My room has a theme that is very soft and welcoming. The colors are brown, green, and tan. I love my room because it's like a preliminary apartment. Every day I go in my room and just sigh because it is just that amazing.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Haiku For You!

I shine so brightly
I listening to you singing
I'm breaking away

My mind can hear them
But my ears can not listen
I wish they were gone

You'll see me later
When my heart is split in two
My eyes are crying

I lost you in space
I wish I could get you back
I lost you this way

Breakaway from me
Leave me to suffer alone
Life is not okay

She makes you nervous
But why do you feel this way
You leave her today

Broke into your house
Stole all your secrets you hide
Now you are alive

Don't be sad today
It's only a one time thing
You'll get over it

So, do I scare you
I apologize for this
Maybe I should leave

Cry on my shoulder
Tell me how you really feel
Share your life with me


If I could go on any game show it would be Jeopardy! I love that show so much and I watch it every night. On the show I would be so nervous to meet the host ,Alex  . I would pick up my buzzer and prepare to answer every trivial question thrown at me. I know I will win because I am really good at the show at home. Actually, being a contestant on Jeopardy is something I really want to do. 

My Home is Amazing

The thing of love best about my home is my room. My room is like my little apartment where I live. I love going home everyday and laying in my queen size bed. I like turning on my flat screen tv and watching Degrassi. I'm a very peaceful person so I made my room my sanctuary. I live the way I want to. I love my room.

I Am Poem

I am a leader and a winner
I wonder what it will be like when  I"m successful
I hear the sound of birds,so peaceful
I see the opportunities
I am a leader and a winner
I pretend, wait I never pretend, I do
I feel like a queen
I touch the sky, hoping to reach the stars
I worry about the past
I cry when I get sad
I am a leader and a winner
I understand no one's perfect
I say how I feel without hesitation
I dream of the day when I can say I made it
I try my best but sometimes trying isn't enough
I hope I can live forever
I am a leader and a winner


If I worked at football stadium I would definitely be a cheerleader . Everyday I would prepare for the games by working out on the treadmill and do some aerobics to get my blood flowing. I would probably be a cheerleader for the Dallas CowBoys.